Friday, January 18, 2013

Open Face BreakFAST

Breakfast is my pace car in this race called life in regards to my daily eating habits.  If I start the day with the right combination of proteins and carbs I can usually keep on the track all day.  If I start off bad… it usually ends the day in a pile up on the freeway!

The mornings in my house are usually a blur. ( I could start my own Reality TV Show with the cat fights that take place between mother and daughter in the mornings) So between playing referee, Peacemaker and getting ready for school/work I make breakfast.  (Oh and don’t forget a few minutes for Facebook in there with COFFEE too.)  Time is often wasted (especially the Facebook part, but hey…) but I can make a healthy breakfast quicker than I can get in and out of a fast food drive-thru line during the morning rush and it won’t be unhealthy! (Or make a mess in the car!)

I vary my breakfasts but usually not every day.  I may eat this for a few days, then that for a few days.

Here is what I ate this morning-

1 slice whole wheat toast    (55 calories)
1 slice FatFree Cheese        (25 calories)
½ a Roma tomato, slice       (  8 calories)
1 large egg                           (70 calories)
¼ tsp red pepper flakes        (  0 calories)

       Total -                             158 calories

Toast the bread with the cheese on top in the toaster oven.   Cook the egg in a small skillet with red pepper flakes.  Put it all together and top with sliced tomatoes.

Enjoy and have a great day!


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