Sunday, March 10, 2013

Tuscan White Beans

I was the recent benefactor of last month's Food Network Magazine.  I found it in my mailbox at Royall Elementary School - Thank You!!

There were several recipes in this publication that will be on the dinner table at Richard's.  This post is about a side dish.  It was pretty simple, and most importantly - tasty!


2 cloves garlic (Fresh, smashed; or minced)
¼ tsp. red pepper flakes
2 tsp. Olive oil
1 Roma or plum tomato, chopped
1 sprig fresh rosemary
2 can cannellini beans, rinsed and drained
½ cup water
Chopped parsley (optional)
Salt to taste
Shredded parmesan cheese for sprinkling on the top.

 What to do-
Cook the garlic, pepper flakes in olive oil over medium high heat for a minute.  Add the tomato, and rosemary sprig cooking an additional two minutes.  Add the rinsed and drained beans and slightly smash with a spoon.  Cook for five more minutes.  Remove the rosemary and discard. 
Stir in water and parsley and top with sprinkling the parmesan on top. 
Broil until golden and drizzle with olive oil.


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