Saturday, December 22, 2012

Mistletoe Treats - Christmas Kisses

This recipe was the perfect one for some kitchen fun with daddy this Christmas.  We made these familiar sweet & salty treats together this morning and they are pretty too!  Sometimes during the Christmas ‘rush’ we get so bogged down with shopping, prepping, cleaning and so forth that we forget to just have some fun and spend time making memories.  Recipes that involve multiple ingredients and lots of measuring can be trying on the patience of the young and the old!  This little treat was perfectly simple for a morning of fun.
1lb bag of Snyder’s Butter Snaps (The Mini-pretzels work too, but I like the uniform squares)

2- 1lb bags of Hershey’s Kisses (We used the regular, but feel free to use your favorite)
1 large bag of M&M’s (we used the Christmas peanut butter)

How to-
Pre-heat your oven to 250 degrees.

Unwrap a BOAT LOAD of Kisses.  Seriously, unwrap ALL the Kisses, and don’t be surprised when a few disappear into the mouth of your assistant. Put the naked Kisses on a platter or bowl for later.
Place the unbroken Butter Snap pretzels on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper or silicone mat.  Your assistant may eat as many of the broken pieces as they wish.  Fill the baking sheet with as many as possible; use two sheets if necessary.

Center one Kiss on to each Butter Snap. 

 When you have all the Snaps and Kisses you have ready put them into the oven.  Now, listen closely as this is the tricky part.  With all the chaos of the holidays happening all around you it is extremely important to tune EVERYTHING out for the next couple of minutes.  DO NOT WALK AWAY from the oven.  These Kisses only need a couple of minutes in the oven.  If you let the holiday mayhem monster distract you…. SHAME ON YOU!

For some reason, these kept jumping into my assistant's mouth.
In 3-4 minutes these babies should be soft and ready.

Take them out and immediately start placing the M&M on the center of each Kiss.  Press down to cover the square and to seal into the “waffle” of the Butter Snap.

Place in the fridge for about thirty minutes to solidify the chocolate.


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