Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mushroom Steak and Rice Dinner

Tonight’s dinner was to be a large dinner salad topped with steak, but I was not feeling much like a salad when it was time to get started.  So it was time for a little “Improv in the Kitchen”. 

Since the steak (thin sliced top sirloin, or breakfast steaks) was already cut into strips and in the fridge marinating, I figured I would rustle up some stuff to go with it.  Hmmm… Opening the fridge to take out the steak I saw the container of baby bella mushrooms, and a half a bell pepper.  This is getting easy fast.
Threw it on the counter and went to the pantry.  I grabbed an onion out of the basket, a can of beef broth, and the rice canister.  I pulled out the rice cooker and got the grains to cooking, then started chopping the onion and pepper. 

In my large skillet, I added some olive oil over medium high heat and then added the veggies and mushrooms. (I love the smell of onions and peppers cooking!)  As the mushrooms started soaking up all the oil I added splashes of the beef broth as well as salt and pepper, and pepper, and pepper…

Once the onions were almost done, I made room in the skillet for the steak and all the marinade (Ken’s Steakhouse balsamic & onion marinade, olive oil, white wine, and soy sauce) and continued cooking.  I also added the rest of the beef broth.  Stir every so often.

Once the meat is cooked, turn down the temp to simmer and add a can of drained garden peas can (frozen is better, but I was out).  At this point I am waiting on the rice to finish.  Once the “warm” light is lit on the rice cooker, I mix a heaping tablespoon of cornstarch and a half cup of water in the leftover pea can. (using the pea can saves on dirty dishes!) Stir this concoction well and add to the skillet.  Now stir the entire mix thoroughly to blend.  This will thicken the beef broth to the desired consistency to make a great gravy.
Put your rice in the bowl and top with your Mushroom Steak mix.



  1. I'm a huge lover of anything with mushrooms! I must say that this sounds delicious to me...but I have to omit the green peas. :)

  2. I understand Tina. Corn would work and add a color dimension as well.

  3. I want some! I'd love it with the peas too. I can't say that I love the smell of peppers cooking, but I adore onions sauteing very, very much. Your improv dinner looks absolutely fantastic.

  4. That looks absolutely delicious! A great improvised dinner.


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