Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Migas - Mexican Breakfast - for Supper

I finally got back to the gym today after missing fourteen straight days! Two weeks from the gym makes this ol' boy very cranky.  Having been sick and then pulling a muscle in my back has kept me from my routine work outs and I was seriously getting ill-tempered.  Don't believe me?  Ask the bride!

 So after completing five miles on the elliptical machine and burning about 600 calories I was... well... I was feeling GREAT!  Yes, my legs felt wobbly like they had no bones in them, but it was a wonderful feeling. 

Now what's for supper?  We had planned omelette's for dinner, but I wanted to try something new.  Knowing how my bride is not a big fan of spicy food, I decided to try it anyway - MIGAS.  It's a mexican breakfast using corn tortillas, salsa, eggs, veggies and all scrambled up together!  What's not to like?

Ingredients -

3 Corn tortillas, cut into strips
2 slices of Spanish onion (red)
1/4 cup of diced bell pepper
2 slices of turkey bacon, chopped
1/2 tsp. cumin powder
1 tsp. red pepper flakes
1/3 cup egg whites
2 large eggs, beaten
1/2 cup salsa (your choice heat - I use medium)
1 Tbsp. olive oil
(Shredded cheese and sliced grape tomatoes for topping)

Heat the skillet over medium high heat adding the oil.  Once hot add the strips of tortilla stirring occassionally.  Cook for a couple minutes then add the onions, bacon, bell pepper, cumin and red pepper flakes.

Cook this until onions begin to brown slightly and peppers are soft. Add egg mixture and continue to stir until eggs are almost set, then add salsa and finish cooking until eggs are set.

Plate and top with tomatoes and cheese.

You can substitute sausage for the bacon and add anything you want.  There are many variations to this breakfast. 

I use the egg whites and turkey bacon to cut down on calories, cholesterol and fat.  This meal (including the half of a bagle thin) fell in under 400 calories.

That will leave enough for a snack later!!

Oh yea! The bride was very impressed and to my bittersweet enjoyment she cleaned her plate.



  1. That would never have made it to a plate at our house. "Honey, grab a fork and come to the stove" I love it!

    1. That is just about how it is around here when the boys are home!

  2. I can have a Mexican breakfast at any time of the day! What a delicious recipe! Full of fun and exotic flavors. Thanks so much for sharing! I am now happily following your blog =]

  3. This is one of our favorite breakfasts....lunches......dinners.... yeah, we make it all the time! You are right, there are so many possible ingredients, but around here the spicier the better!

  4. Sounds perfect... I am always game for breakfast for dinner but even better when it's Mexican! Yum

  5. Delicious - I love Mexican breakfasts like huevos rancheros - never heard of Migas before but must try it.

  6. Thats looks yummy and but for me it will be a brunch since I am not a breakfast person.

  7. Ah, the Bride came through and loved it. Sorry, Richard. No cleaning off someone else's plate. That would undo all that elliptical work anyhow. The migas looks absolutely amazing.

  8. So flavorful! I will enjoy Migas any time of the day!

    Btw, I have an award waiting for you... http://bit.ly/yjpNgG

  9. This looks SO delicious, I may have to have breakfast for dinner tonight! Excellent post!

  10. Yummy dish Richard! Sheri

  11. Great to visit you Richard! I joined and will look for your next posts. Best from Montecito, California, Sherry

  12. This looks great! I had Migas out recently and am excited to find a recipe. These need to happen in my house, and soon. Thanks for sharing!

    1. My kids talked about having migas for breakfast, so I had to google it. I told my kids how I made them and they said to me, "No jalapeno? No Habanero? No Migas!"

  13. This looks so good. I love Mexican food. I can't wait to try it! Thanks!

  14. this looks delicious! thanks for sharing!


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