Friday, June 3, 2011

Grilled Salmon with Veggie Medley

Matthew is not a salmon fan, so since he had his wisdom teeth cut out today… we were having salmon for dinner!  Oh, don’t worry, we fed him too.  He had mashed potatoes, grits with soft scrambled eggs, and jello.

I set up the salmon with some olive oil, salt and pepper and let it sit while I prepped the rest.   I like to try new things and experiment with them.   I made zucchini boats with crème cheese and parmesan cheese.  Stephanie liked them, but I’m pretty sure she was just being polite.  I couldn’t eat mine.  The crème cheese was great (even though these pictures make it look burnt).  It was the zucchini that was bad.  It was very rubbery.  I’ll fill you in on all that when I get it right. 

We also had the sautéed corn that I blogged earlier, but I changed it up a little tonight adding zucchini into the mixture.  All in all a great healthy meal, well with the exception of the zucchini boats.

Not everything works out in my kitchen!
Have a great day!

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