Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cucumber, Tomato & Onion Salad

This salad is a great side dish and serves as a great mid-day snack too!

1/2 cup rice wine vinegar (unseasoned)
3 Tbsp Splenda
3 cups cucumber (unpeeled, thick sliced, then quartered)
2 cups chopped tomatoes ( I use romas as they don't get soft as quick)
1/2 cup red onion (chopped)


Chop the cucumber, tomato and onion and put in a non-reactive bowl.

    Cover with vinegar and add splenda.

    Mix well and allow to sit in refridgerator for at least 30 minutes.  Salt and pepper to taste at serving.      (Keep chilled)

    Serves six for about 55 calories per serving.


    I like to keep this salad in the fridge almost all summer!  When "that gotta have something to crunch and munch" feeling jumps on me - this satisfies!  When the mix begins to dwindle, just chop more and add vinegar and splenda as needed.

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